标准介绍:【TBR 002 Ed.1 数字终端和接入( DTA ) ,数据终端设备( DTE)的附加要求连接到分组交换公用数据网( PSPDNs )的CCITT建议X, 25接口的数据信令速率高达1 920 kbit / s的衍生利用接口】Defines the technical characteristics (electrical andmechanical interface requirements) and accesscontrol protocol to be provided by packet mode terminalequipment intended for connection to a dedicatedinterface of a Packet Switched Public Data Network(PSPDN) using CCITT Recommendation X.25 [1], [2]and [3] making use of Link Access ProcedureBalanced (Modulo 8 operation) (LAPB) and Link AccessProcedure Balanced (Modulo 128 operation)(LAPB Extended) modes of operation.